Purchase you Pila Townhomes unit now!
Phildomus Corp is currently working on developing a secure online purchase facility to make buying your Pila Townhomes unit ever more convenient.
The Online Purchase Portal will not be available very soon; so if you would like to place an order now, we advise you to contact one of our agents closest to your current location.

PILA Townhouse Housing Loan
• Social Security System
The Direct Housing Loan Facility is designed to support the Government’s Pabahay sa Bagong Siglo Program which aims to provide socialized and low-cost housing to overseas Filipino workers.
• Pag-ibig Fund
If you’ve made that big decision to buy a house, chances are you’re also already choosing from the many possible financing options available to you because, let’s face it, only a few people can afford to pay cash for big purchases like property acquisitions.
• Philippine National Bank
Whether you are a first-time home buyer, or a seasoned veteran of the real estate market, you will find PNB Sure Home the ideal solution to your home loan requirements. Sure Home features a loan amount that is one of the highest in the industry.